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Keresidenan Building

  • Saturday, February 19, 2011
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  • Gedung Keresidenan (Residency building) is located on Jl. K.K. Singawinata or the south of Situ Buleud. Residency building built in a very wide area. The main building located in the middle of the yard. In front of the main building there is a garden, as well as on the left and right. To enter the main building there are two of stairs located in the middle of building. On the right and left of the main building there is a kind of pavilion buildings which roofed village houses stretching to the rear.

    The construction of Gedung Keresidenan closely related to Purwakarta as the capital city of the residency of Karawang. However, because there was no residency buildings built and no adequate transportation facilities in Purwakarta, for some time the office of Karawang residency was in Karawang. As time goes by, in 1902 Batavia-Padalarang railroad was completed in construction. At the same years, the Residency building in Purwakarta has finished in construction. Moreover the office of the residency of Karawang moves to Purwakarta.

    Nowadays, Gedung Keresidenan is functioned as the Regional Coordination Board office of Purwakarta.


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